What is GSM in T-Shirts and Why It Matters

What is GSM in T-Shirts and Why It Matters

GSM, or Grams per Square Meter, measures the weight and thickness of fabric in T-shirts. It gives an idea of how dense and durable the material is. T-shirts typically fall into three GSM categories: lightweight (120-160 GSM), medium weight (160-200 GSM), and heavyweight (200-300 GSM). Lightweight T-shirts are airy and great for warm weather, medium weight offers a balance of comfort and durability for everyday wear, and heavyweight T-shirts provide warmth and structure, ideal for cooler climates.

Understanding GSM helps you choose the right T-shirt for your needs. For example, a lower GSM is better for hot climates or active wear, while a higher GSM is more suitable for cooler conditions or a more substantial feel. Knowing the GSM can guide you to the perfect T-shirt, ensuring it meets your comfort and quality expectations.

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